Camper Headquarters

“Let us go on and take the adventure that shall fall to us”

-The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

The Lamppost Puzzles

How many Mice were featured in the Lamppost?

What Character is under C.S. Lewis in the Lamppost?

What is the answer to the question in the Lamppost?

How Many Lions were featured in the Lamppost?

Welcome Campers

Are you 6-15 years old and ready for some adventure and magic? Then come journey through the Wardrobe to Camp Narnia! Try cooking your lunch over a campfire, dress up in costume for the Narnian play, create works of art, test your archery skill, and (most importantly) make lots of new friends. From campfires to talent shows and camp-wide games, there’s plenty to do and something to suit everyone here. Explore the forest, build your own fort, or sleep out under the stars – you might even see a dryad or two!

Here at Camp Narnia you’ll find a mix of organized activities along with room for free time and space to try new things. You’ll get to know your cabin mates (there’s never more than seven campers in a cabin, plus your counsellor), as well as all of our great staff and the rest of your fellow campers. Take a look around – there’s lots to see on our Activities, Life at Camp, and Gallery pages. Campers 6-12 years old sleep in cedar cabins in our Cabin Circle. If you’re between 13-5 years old, you’ll be over in Teenland, so be sure to check out the Teenland page for more details.

The Details

All of our camp sessions run for one week, from Sunday to Saturday. For camp dates, camp fees, and for more details about registration, head to our Parents page.


Every so often one of the staff manages to have a spare moment to pick up a camera and capture some of the amazing moments at camp. Be sure to check out our gallery and see some of what we get up to.