Lamp-Post 2022

Lamp-Post 2023 Every summer, we find ourselves looking around camp in the middle of each week and thinking to ourselves, ‘wow, we have the best jobs ever.’ Seeing campers arrive, make friends, gain confidence, and experience the magic is always such a privilege. Thank you so much to all of our families for supporting Camp […]

Registration for 2022 is Open!

Registration for 2022 is open! Registration is open for our 2022 season and we are very excited. We are pleased to announce that this coming summer Camp Narnia will be running for seven weeks at Camp Creina, in Cowichan Station!  Located on the banks of the Koksilah River, this 40+ acre property is a picturesque, […]

COVID-19 Update

Hello Narnians! Camp Narnia is going full steam behind the scenes to make sure that we have a fun and safe summer this year. We are currently in the process of writing our COVID-19 Safety Plan, and hope to have that to share with you by the end of June. In the mean time, below […]

Camp Narnia 2021 is Confirmed

Camp Narnia 2021 is Confirmed We are so excited to announce that Camp Narnia 2021 will be happening!  With the change in the public health order, and with successful negotiations with our rental property, we are now confident that everything will be coming together to allow us to run our beloved camp this year. Camp […]

Spring Break Adventure!

Dear Narnians, In these uncertain times, it is important to stop and just have some fun once in a while, and enjoy our shared love of Narnia! To this end, one of our camp directors has written a choose your own adventure story, set in Narnia! aDVENTURES AND BETRAYAL The story follows Edmund through his […]

Registration Information

Dear Families, Happy new year!  Registration opened for Camp Narnia 2021 on the 1st of January, and while there is no certainty that we will be allowed to run, we are planning for a summer where camps are back and we can have safe summer fun in the woods together. As this year is different […]

Lamp-Post 2020

Lamp-Post 2020 What a strange thing it was this year, to write the winter newsletter with no new photos to look through, laugh over, and send to all of you. As Trufflehunter would say, it’s a time to “hold on” and live in hope of better things, and we hope the Lamp-Post was a spot […]

How to Lead the Narnian Nature Walk

What to look for: -Dryad: A fallen leaf -Naiad: A smooth stone -Marshwiggle: Reeds -Owl: A feather -Dwarf: Footprints -Faun: A robin or other bird  -Hermit: one moment of stillness  -Giant: A mountain or hill -Cair Paravel: make a sand castle -Centaur: Stargazing. Head outside on a clear night, when the stars are visible. Narnian […]

Narnian Nature Walk

The Narnian Nature Walk: Though Narnia is closed this year,  The legend still holds true  Their creatures walk among us  And they leave behind some clues. The forest that surrounds you,  The dryads call their home.  If you catch a falling leaf,  You may call it your own. If you find a smooth round stone, […]